Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How to make space on Windows XP system partition? - preview

image My partition is big enough, you'll say. What about when you do a full back-up (an image of the entire partition for easy restoring)? Doesn't it take longer to back-up or restore (and takes more space, of course)? Or when you defragment the drive, it will eventually be less time consuming if there were more free space. And I think that not many of us are proud with a 10 GB Windows or a 20 GB Program Files folder.

But if you really have a small Windows XP partition (mainly because you've once thought 10 GB will be enough for your operating system and installed applications) and you don't want to repartition you drive, then this small guide is for you.

We'll see in the next few days what can be done on this matter without compromising system stability: things that can be easily done inside XP (with no other help from 3rd party applications) and things that can be done more easily by using 3rd party applications. So stay tuned.

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